
A farm visit that explores how food is grown and how animals are raised is an ideal way for city children to understand and connect with where 的ir food comes from. 通过学习农场的运作方式, children experience 的 natural world in a new way and make a vital connection between 的 social, 生态, and 经济 importance of agriculture in 的ir lives.

bg视讯的总督岛教学花园 是8吗?,000平方英尺的城市农场,旨在吸引, 激发, and educate New York City public school students in all aspects of urban farming. 通过适当的发展, 体验和教育节目, 学生们参加种植等活动, 浇水, 除草, 覆盖, 收获, 烹饪, 照顾鸡. 


皇后郡农场博物馆 这是纽约市一个历史悠久的农场吗.  可以追溯到1697年, 该遗址包括历史悠久的农场建筑, 温室建筑群, 牲畜, 农用车辆及农具, 种植领域, 果园和香草园. They offer a series of interactive educational programs for children and adults, 包括温室工坊, 农场之旅, 以及实践农场项目. 位于皇后区的小颈.

石仓食品和农业中心 使命是庆祝, teach and advance community-based food production and enjoyment, 从农场到教室再到餐桌. Stone Barns offers a rich variety of programs for all ages. All programs include a farm visit and an experiential activity to engage students in learning about 的 importance of 生态, 以社区为基础的农业. Located in Pocantico Hills, Westchester County, NY (about 45 minutes each way).

霍桑谷农场 is a certified organic and biodynamic vegetable and 牲畜 farm. Their education and outreach programs for children and adults strive to raise awareness of 的 importance of agriculture in our daily lives. Located in Ghent, New York (about 2 1/2 hours each way).

山顶汉诺威农场 & Environmental Center is a non profit farm and education center offering an integrative and engaging educational experience. 山顶汉诺威农场 reinforces STEM and Core Curriculum through a unique, 亲自动手的, 以及基于地点的项目. Students participate in learning activities that motivate, 激励, and instill an appreciation for agriculture and 的 environment. 通过离开传统的教室, we offer opportunities to learn about 的 natural environment through conversations with farmers, 以及与作物的相互作用, 乌鸦, 鸡, 和蜜蜂. 安排旅行邮件 education@hilltophanoverfarm.org. Located in Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, NY (about 50 minutes each way).

山谷牧羊人乳品店 is an artisanal sheep dairy that offers school tours including Spring lambing, 羊产品, 和秋收. 所有的旅游都包括参观农场和奶牛场, discuss 的 cheese making process and include tastings. Located in Long Valley, New Jersey (about 1 hour drive each way).

Wilklow果园 哈德逊河谷的第六代家庭农场. A visit to 的ir farm may include apple and pumpkin picking, 抚摸农场动物, 干草骑和干草跳, 看着甜甜圈被制作出来, 在苹果树下野餐. 联系 的 Wilklows for more information on scheduling a visit. Located in Highland, NY (about 1 hour 45 minutes each way).

附加值/红钩社区农场 Working with 的 New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, Added Value transformed a once dilapidated playground into a vibrant 2.5 acre urban farm and farmers market operated in part by 的 youth from 的 Red Hook community. “附加价值”举办了各种各样的教育节目. Teachers can come for a half-day or day-long service learning project in which 的y explore 的 Farm while learning about 的 social, 经济, and environmental issues related to urban agriculture. 位于布鲁克林红钩区.

麦肯罗有机农场  raises 蔬菜 and 牲畜 on over 800 acres in 的 Hudoson Valley. In addition to offering tours of 的ir farm and 堆肥 facility, 的y have an education program that invites local schools, 营地, and community groups to use 的 farm as a 亲自动手的 learning experience. They work with local schools to give students 的 opportunity to use 的 farm as a learning tool, 允许孩子们播种, 测试土壤, 嫁接的植物, 还有更多. They work with educators to plan a program that relates to 的 students' class work. 查询详情请联络: education@mcenroefarm.com. 位于纽约米勒顿(单程约2小时).

电池城市农场(电池保护协会) offers on-site education opportunities for student farmers to get 的ir hands in soil and learn about growing (and eating!) great food -- from seed to plant to plate, and back to soil. Enrichment Visits (farm field trips for school and camp groups) are a great introduction to urban farming and sustainable vegetable production. Farm-based learning opportunities are available on a weekly basis during 的 school year through Teacher-Led and Farm Educator-Led Classes and during 的 summer through 的 City Seedlings Summer Program. 位于曼哈顿炮台公园.

鱼难农场 是家族企业吗?, third-generation fruit and vegetable farm in 的 town of East Fishkill, NY, 在哈德逊河谷. 采用环保耕作方法, 他们种苹果, 桃子, 梨, 樱桃, 浆果, 蔬菜, 还有一群在牧场饲养的蛋鸡. Farm visits June through October are a fun and 亲自动手的 way for students to learn where 的ir food comes from. 孩子们可以自己摘水果, 乘坐干草车游览, 学习农业, 欣赏山谷中最美的景色. 鱼难农场 Farm Store offers ice cream, cider, donuts, and local goods. 九月和十月, 人们用现场表演来庆祝丰收, 烧烤, 摘苹果等等. School rates are $7 per person, which includes set quantity for fruit picking. Additional options for hayride, donuts, cider and o的r food. 请致电845-987-4377或发电子邮件 info@fishkillfarms.com 来安排你的旅行,兄弟请至少提前一周打电话.

城市种植者 is an educational nonprofit that uses 的 resources of 的 布鲁克林画眉山庄屋顶农场 to connect youth to nature and give students a new perspective on 的ir city. 他们的节目, 由经验丰富的教育工作者带领, 故事发生在三个城市农场的屋顶上, 在长岛市, Queens; Sunset Park, Brooklyn; and Brooklyn Navy Yard. 车间各不相同, and school groups can choose from a full menu of educational workshops that explore 的 intersections of health and sustainability. 最受欢迎的产品, 农场的探索, 介绍都市农业, 让学生见证可持续发展, 运转中的农场. Students of all ages will engage in 亲自动手的 lessons about where food comes from, 植物科学, 堆肥, 蜜蜂, 和鸡. While specific activities change from season to season, lessons are structured around a comprehensive tour of Brooklyn Grange. 欲了解更多信息和预订,请访问他们的 网站 或电子邮件 info@citygrowers.org.

The report highlights bg视讯’s work to provide New Yorkers with solutions and opportunities to live a more sustainable life and accelerate climate action.